Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Happy New Year!

Hi everyone! My name is Katelyn Musall '13 and for those of you who don't already know I am now a Junior at Elmira College. This is my second year blogging for the school and I hope to improve it from last. There is so much I want to share with you guys, but first the basics; I am a Business Administration major with a double concentration in International Business and Marketing with a minor in Spanish. Yes, I know that's super long to say but it's the official, Elmira College way of stating what I am studying here. So what do I want to talk about today? Fall Orientation of course! The start of the school year here marks the end of Freshman Fall Orientation; a four day program that is tailored to help the incoming Glorious 15s be accustomed to college life. As an Orientation Leader (without of group) I helped out everywhere! I helped with program preparations, aka putting together stacks upon stacks of folders, blowing up 20,015 balloons that I then proceeded to put all around campus the following morning when the freshmen finally moved in. Now, I know as an orientation leader I am suppose to be upbeat and happy all the time but that was a looooong day. I was up by 5, moved an entire dorm full of students into their rooms, and sang my heart out. Not to say it isn't fun, just tiring at times. So you can probably get all the logistics of Fall O on elmira.edu but I want to tell you guys my favorite parts about the whole experience. I had two points in the program where I really took a step back and thought "this is why I move in a week early." The first is the senior class song. Every year after the OL Talent Show the seniors get up on stage and sing a song that they feel reflects their time here at EC. Watching them really made me realize that I only have a short two years left on the purple and gold campus, which is actually really hard to believe. My second favorite part is the Candle Light Ceremony on Saturday night. I walked with my two friends Julia and Amanda. Seeing all the freshman and seniors across from each other on either side of the Puddle is just an experience in and of itself. When we sang the Alma Mater, linked, in darkness with only the candles as light, it truly put a smile on my face and made me realize just how much the school's traditions mean to me.
Now, onto class. I have a pretty full schedule this year so I apologize in advance if my posts don't come as regularly as I would like them.
This year is going to be great, I can tell already!


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